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First Reunion

2007 reunion in Laughlin

Reunion 2008-Branson

2009 Reunion

2010 Reunion

Photo Page 1

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Photo Page 3

Photo Page 4

Photo page 5

Photo page 6

Deceased Shipmates

Contact Page

Ships crew portrait

Don Johnson, Obituary

Catalog Page

Custom Layout 4


The Crew----- Half a century later
This is some of the men who served on the LST 1122 in the 1950's. The reunion was held in the Embassy Suites hotel in Omaha Nebraska, 27 thru 29 April, 2002. We had a great time and a lot of laughs. Others couldn't make it for various reasons so we are building this web site to show them what they missed. Next years reunion coordinators will again be Jim Currie and Duane Sprimont. Their experience from this years reunion will be very valuable in locating and contacting the crew. Front Row, Ken Tancock-Jim Currie-Ray Sizemore,Don Johnson.
Middle Row- Duane Sprimont-Bob Hand-Russell Nephew jr.
Top Row-Major Thomas-Ben Pagel-Roy Lankford-Harold Blessing

Jim Currie and Duane Sprimont's email address
Jim Currie's email=
Duane Sprimont's email=  I'm going to list both of their phone numbers for a short time so other members of the crew may contact them. Jim Currie= 601-605-6267
Duane Sprimont= 972-366-3564

Contact Bob Hand at email address below
Duane & Donna Sprimont=
Jim Currie=

The 1950's crew members of the LST1122 owe a dept of gratatute to Jim Currie and Duane Sprimont for getting this reunion started. Others joined in the search as he became successful in contacting each member. Ultimately, many people became involved. The down side was Jim has "more or less" confirmed nearly half of our shipmates are deceased. For the information of all crew members, I will print a page of deceased members as soon as it arrives. Jim Currie has asked me to put his and Duane Sprimont's email address here for anyone wishing to contribute pictures or information, or just wanting to talk about the good old days.
In one of our tours in Japan in the 1950's Jim Currie had a coffee cup made with about 100 names of crew members printed on it. Almost 50 years later he still has the cup, and this was all he had to start contacting people. He contacted Duane Sprimont and found he also was trying to contact crew members. It was a great turn-out for the first year and we all will be trying to get more people to attend next year.