First Reunion
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First Reunion

2007 reunion in Laughlin

Reunion 2008-Branson

2009 Reunion

2010 Reunion

Photo Page 1

Photo Page 2

Photo Page 3

Photo Page 4

Photo page 5

Photo page 6

Deceased Shipmates

Contact Page

Ships crew portrait

Don Johnson, Obituary

Catalog Page

Custom Layout 4

J. M. Currie
Jim Currie called me earlier this year and to say I was surprized is an understatement. I never thought I would hear from any of the crew I served with. Jim was gathering interest in a reunion which materialized in Omaha Nebraska the 27th thru 29th of April. I heard there was 36 old crew members who attended, and I mean "old". If I met any of these guys on the street, I would not know them. I have gained a few pounds and lost most of my hair also.

Omaha World News Paper
A lady reporter from the Omaha World interviewed most of us and printed an article in their Sunday news paper. One touching story was of a crew member named Nephew. When Currie tried to contact him in New York, His son, Russell Nephew responded saying that his father had passed on but he may be interested in attending the reunion in his fathers place. Russell and JoAnn Nephew were welcomed crew members.

Some of the crew who attended in Omaha
some of the pictures of the crew who attended the reunion in Omaha will be posted on the "photo" page. It's going to very difficult to recognize some of them, so I have suggested that I put a "then and now" photo glossary. This idea got mixed reviews so I don't know. Maybe.

Email me if you have anything,picture or just info, I would like to hear from you.
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Duane & Donna Sprimont - -
Jim Currie=